Saturday, May 30, 2009

Tidbits from Memphis...

Yesterday was a full day for Jude. He had radiation, speech therapy, occupational therapy AND physical therapy. Wow. Big day... In physical therapy, he played "Whack a Mole", which was cute. He didn't want to stop. In occupational therapy, he played with legos building a little and a lot of transferring blocks from one hand to the other obeying instructions from the therapist. It teaches him coordination and it was interesting to watch him think about the connections in using his left hand versus his right. He tried to take shortcuts, but she didn't let him. Of course, in typical Jude style..he giggled throughout. The weekend is time off from the hospital. They go back Monday for more radiation and therapy.

We laughed a lot yesterday. For going through so much already, I so appreciate the upbeat attitude of Jeni, Jay and Jude. I think Jay cracked us up all day long. He likes to pretend fall and make Jude laugh. He did hit his head on the slide in an uncalculated move. haha Jeni and I are enjoying catching up and...again...laughing together. Jude is happy all day long, as Jeni said. He is kissing her and Jay non stop. He was also kissing his Bible this morning. Jeni thinks he keeps doing this because he can't say "I love you". That is precious!!! Jude got to ride a big wheel with help from daddy and loved it! He is getting stronger all the time his parents say. Every day brings accomplishments that were not there the day before. Wonderful!!!

Today we are going to go to the zoo here. I can't wait to take pictures of that adventure! We put a branch on the outside of their door here, along with a sample of Jude's artwork he has done while here. Stay tuned....