Monday, May 11, 2009

The beginning...

As you already probably know...Jude Goodman was diagnosed with Medulloblastoma cancer. I will do my best to relay information I have received as well as continue to receive now that he and Jeni are in Tennessee. I am sure others know things I do not so I will do my best to gather info to post here....and if anything I type is not correct, please let me know!!!

He was admitted to CHOC hospital April 24th after having at least 2 weeks of morning nausea and vomitting. He had a headache one of the mornings at least and also Jeni mentioned that he had an occurrence of blurred vision. He had lost weight....But certainly nothing would have indicated to her, or anyone at that point I would imagine, that it had to do with brain tumors! I told her maybe it was a parasite! We were waiting on that Friday morning at CHEP for music class and I texted her to see if she was on her way. She sent back that he was still not well and she was taking him to the hospital. By Saturday morning they had determined surgery was necessary immediately for the tumor that was indeed cancerous. Imagine!!!!!

He had a golf ball sized tumor in the back of his head as well as 50 more small tumors sort of horseshoe shaped around the back of his skull. They removed the large one and suggested treatment for the others.

The surgery went well. The tumor was removed. Postsurgery, however, Jude developed Posterior Fossa Syndrome. I am including something I copied and pasted from the internet that is similar to what happened to Jude:

"Brain tumors are the second most common malignancy in children less than 15 years of age and the most common solid tumor of childhood. Approximately 60% to 70% of pediatric brain tumors originate in the posterior fossa. A postoperative syndrome, labeled posterior fossa syndrome, has been identified in certain children. This syndrome involves a variety of signs and symptoms including mutism or speech disturbances, dysphagia, decreased motor movement, cranial nerve palsies and, emotional lability. These signs and symptoms develop from an average range of 24 to 107 hours after surgery and may take weeks to months to resolve. "

St. Jude Hospital in Memphis TN is where she decided to have Jude receive his treatment. They wanted her there ASAP...and they were able to fly out there Sunday along with Jude's dad, Jay and Jeni's mom, Jan. I asked Jeni to send me updates and any pictures or videos she wants for me to add I will add things as I get them.

I know Jeni is very appreciative of everyone's thoughts and kind words of support. She is a wonderful mother and a terrific friend and I am very happy to do this for her. Her good friend Christie Wilson has set up an account through paypal for any who would like to help sine Jeni has taken off from work to be there for the treatments. and send funds to That transfers right to her bank. She does not want any to feel obligated but is touched to the heart even for people to be thinking of her and expressing love and concern. You can email Jude at that address also. When I get an address for the hospital, I will post that so any that want to send things to them will have her mailing address. I am sure cards and such would be very much appreciated. Maybe even pictures she can show Jude!!!!

Jeni sent me the first email tonight and I am copying and pasting it here:

"Jude is doing better with the syndrome, he is moving his head arms and fingers. This is a really nice hospital. They have alot to offer kids and try to make them feel really comfortable. It is really hard to be so far away. The first night I was here I felt so alone...even though Jay was here. They told us today that tomorrow, Tues, Jude will get a central line surgicly put in his chest so that they can put medicine and treatments and all that stuff in there, and he has to wear it for at least a year. It makes me sick to my stomach just thinking about it. I did meet the sister here and her husband, and my mom is going to the meeting with her tomorrow night. She is really sweet. Jude has alot of tests tomorrow, including planting that iv in him tomorrow. I hope he makes it through all this and comes out in one peice. Or even 2 pieces. As long as he comes out ok. Thankyou for all your prayers and kindness. Hope to see some of you soon.........