Jude had his first 3 month check up MRI of the brain and spine today. Everything is good! The spine is still clear and disease free. The brain is still not totally clear, the one tiny spot that is left may be just dead tissue, they aren't sure. But it is less conspicuious, or I guess you could say it's smaller than before. As long as it isn't growing, it is good news. I asked the doc if that meant he is in remission, but since they don't know if that spot is a tumor or just dead tissue, they can only say he has no active disease. So, since he has had radiation, our hope is that the spot, whatever it is, will continue to shrink until nothing is there....or at least just never get bigger!
He also had a bit more hearing loss in the high frequency range. But not too significant as of yet. Kidneys and other organs are functioning normally, and he has improved also in speech, and in moving and balance. Still have a way to go, though.
The doctors are still going to watch his weight with weekly weigh-ins at his pediatrician in CA. His appetite is still very low, and they say that could continue for months. He has to continue the high calorie shakes for now, but if his weight drops, then they may put him back on the steroids. We hope not, because there are long term side effects with those that we'd like to avoid.
They are going to check his thyroid to see if it is functioning ok, and also his bones to see if they are growing.
It is really nice to see all our favorite doctors and nurses again. They are so wonderful here! We are so glad to have such a great team caring for Jude.
Thank you again all of you...each and every one of you... for your continued prayers and caring thoughts! We love you!